Image describing different ways to design Personalized Skill Assessments

Design Personalized Skill Assessments

Build custom skills assessments to fit your exact needs. Perfect for hiring, upskilling, and more!

Customizable Skills Assessments

PerspectAI's Custom Assessments offer a wide range of customization options, allowing you to create assessments that perfectly align with your unique needs. Here's a closer look at the key features
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Question Type Selection
Choose from a variety of question types, including multiple-choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions to effectively evaluate the specific skills you're targeting.
Icon depicting options available for custom skill assessments
Configurable Options
Define the number of answer options for multiple-choice questions and set character limits for short answer responses to design the assessments that meet your specific needs.
Icon depicting options available for custom skill assessments
Scoring Customization
Choose from a simple point-based system or assign weights to different questions based on their importance to ensure the relative value of each skill being measured.
Icon depicting options available for custom skill assessments
Organized Sections
Structure your assessment with clear and logical sections. This improves the clarity and organization of your assessment, making it easier for test-takers to navigate and complete.

The PerspectAI Advantage

PerspectAI's Custom Skills Assessments offer a multitude of benefits for businesses and organizations
Image depicting benefits of Custom Skill Assessments
Targeted Skill Evaluation
Design assessments that precisely measure the skills most critical to your organization's success.
Image depicting benefits of Custom Skill Assessments
Improved Hiring Decisions
Confidently assess potential candidates' skills and qualifications to make informed hiring choices.
Image depicting benefits of Custom Skill Assessments
Skill Gap Identification
Evaluate your workforce's skill sets to identify areas for development and training needs.
Image depicting benefits of Custom Skill Assessments
Enhanced Learning Measurement
Track learner progress and measure the effectiveness of your training programs.
Image depicting benefits of Custom Skill Assessments
Increased Efficiency
Save time and resources by creating custom assessments that align directly with your specific requirements.

Get Started with Custom Skills Assessments Today

PerspectAI's Custom Skills Assessments are easy to use and can be created in minutes. Our intuitive platform empowers you to design assessments without any coding knowledge.
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